Social Squad
A Research Based Curriculum and Approach to Social Communication for ages 5-21 years
Detecting sarcasm, deceit, bullying, discriminating between funny and mean sarcasm, reading facial expressions and tone of voice of sarcasm, using sarcasm appropriately
Conversational Adaptation
Identifying/understanding situations where conversation needs to be adapted to meet the needs of the listener, asking for clarification, providing sufficient contextual cues, etc
Reading emotions based on facial expressions, tone of voice, prosody and expressing emotions using expected facial expressions and prosody
Understanding and expressing empathy, reading facial expressions and tone of voice of empathy, identifying situations when empathy is expected, expressing empathy using expected tone of voice and facial expressions
Negotiation and Compromise
Identifying/understanding situations that involve negotiation and compromise. Understand that words affect others and may hurt someone’s feelings.
idioms and expressions
Identifying/understanding situations where idioms and expressions are used. It is important to remember it is okay to ask for clarification.
Program Highlights
The program is designed for students between the ages of 5 and 21. The beginner treatment folder is recommended for younger children aged 7 to 12;11. The advanced student treatment is recommended for older students between the ages of 13 and 21. Of course, it is recommended that clinicians consider both chronological and developmental age when administering the treatment. That is, if a series of videos is more suitable based on the student’s developmental age versus chronological age, it is acceptable to use that series of videos.
The program provides easy step by step instructions to follow each week. We use a highly intuitive and simple intervention platform to make it easy to navigate between topics and lessons.
The program follows a step-by step sequence that requires minimal prep time. Fun worksheets, quizzes and progress tracking are included.
Our programs have been clinically used and field tested with children and teens (between the ages of 5 and 21) with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social Communication Disorder, Emotional Disturbance and Intellectual Disability. Read our published work.
The Social Squad can be accessed with annual $129 membership or a monthly $29 membership.
The program includes quizzes and social communication progress notes that help track student progress
This program focuses on teaching how to read and use facial expressions and vocal inflections, using visual bombardment, selfies and role-plays
The Social Squad program uses a peer-mentored approach to teaching and modeling appropriate social skills and social language. In this program, typically developing students act as mentors to explain in easily accessible language what went wrong in various social situations and explain how the concept of social mind and big heart can help imporve social skills and make new friends.
Frequently asked questions
No. The program contains two separate folders for younger and older students that contain social scenes filmed separately for each age group. The beginner treatment folder is recommended for younger children aged 5 to 12;11 and it features younger student actors. The advanced student treatment is recommended for older students between the ages of 13 and 21 which features older student actors. Of course, it is recommended that clinicians consider both chronological and developmental age when administering the treatment. That is, if a series of videos is more suitable based on the student’s developmental age versus chronological age, it is acceptable to use that series of videos.
Yes. Please use our purchase order instructions
The Social Squad membership includes a discounted price to the IMPACT Social Communication Rating Scale that helps examine how social communication may affect everyday social interactions and/or academic performance as required by IDEA. Read more about the IMPACT Social Communication Rating Scale
Yes, the Social Squad may be used with students as young as 5 years old.
Absolutely! The advanced student treatment folder is recommended for older students between the ages of 13 and 21 which features older student actors.
Yes, the programs includes many visual and auditory bombardment videos that teach how to read and decode facial expressions and prosody.
The Social Squad can be accessed with an annual ($129) membership or a monthly ($29.99) membership.
if you have further questions about our programs, please Contact Us
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