Instructions: You (the clinician) will tell your student(s) that the lessons in this section consist of learning about feelings regarding stuttering. You can explain that stuttering can be complex when it comes to how we feel about it; it can cause us to feel many different feelings and it is important that we learn about and identify the feelings we feel in order to help us express ourselves, grow, and become stronger. After watching the video, work together with your student(s) to fill out the the worksheet titled “Stuttering Feelings and Attitudes”. This topic may take some extra time for the student to fully identify what they feel and connect with it, so do not rush through this lesson. After completing the worksheet, review it with your student(s) to facilitate a conversation. Were they surprised to connect with specific emotions outlined on the worksheet? Can they give real life examples of when they have felt this way? How might learning about these feeling and identifying with them help us in facing our fears of stuttering? Take time to explore