Part 6: Stages of Change

Part 6: Stages of Change

Pre-Contemplation, Contemplation, Preparation

Action, Maintenance


Lesson Goals and Instructions

(THIS SECTION HAS A PRE-TEST WORKSHEET THAT NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE WATCHING THE VIDEOS!) You (the clinician) will tell your student(s) that the lessons in this section consist of learning about the “Stages Of Change” also known as “The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change”. Explain to your student(s) that change can be very hard work. So much so, that scientist James O Prochaska studied adults who quit smoking throughout their journey of quitting to outline the typical process of change, calling the process “The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change” aka “The Stages of Change”. Change doesn’t just happen suddenly; nor does it follow a neat and perfect pattern once it’s started. Explain to the student that the purpose of this section is to figure out where the student is in the process of change and to explore where they want to be next! First, have the student fill out the worksheet titled “Stuttering and Stages of Change”. This is a questionnaire designed to assess where the student is currently at in the Stages of Change. Then have the student watch the videos and discuss each stage, specifically focusing on the stage the student scored highest in. Next, review the “Results and Next Steps” IN REGARDS TO THE STAGE THE STUDENT IS IN. Discuss what next steps and activities the student can do to get to where they want to be or if the student assessed themselves in the Action, Maintenance, or Termination Stage, move on to the next section.


    • Helps student to identify their readiness for change
    • Gives them a visual and realistic outlook on the journey of change

Stages of Change, Pre-Contemplation Stage

Stages of Change, Contemplation Stage

Stages of Change, Preparation Stage

Stages of Change, Action Stage

Stages of Change, Maintenance Stage

Stages of Change, Termination Stage

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