Language Video Assessment Tool
The Language Video Assessment Tool (VAT) is a standardized contextualized language testing battery for children and young adults ages 6 through 18 years old. It is composed of four stand-alone tests. It is an accurate and reliable assessment tool that provides valid results on language
comprehension, story retell, following directions, and morphology and sentence structure. Normative data of this test is based on a nationally representative sample of 1554 (typically developing) children and young adults in the United States.
The test is composed of four independent and stand-alone tests: (a) Language Comprehension in Context, (b) Restating Information, (c)Following Directions, and (d) Morphology and Sentence Structure.
Morphology and Sentence Structure
This test evaluates a student’s ability to use grammatical morphemes and to compose meaningful and grammatically correct sentences.
Language Comprehension in Context
This test evaluates a student’s ability to attentively listen to a short passage and then answer questions about the presented video based story.
Following Directions
This test items evaluate an individual’s ability to interpret spoken directions, recall those directions, and then act upon those spoken directions. This test does not include videos.
Restating Information
This test evaluates a student’s ability to comprehend and then retell a video based story (it's an integrated assessment of comprehension and narrative skills)
Help and Support
If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at or use the form below. You may also be able to find answers to your questions in the test manual or by watching the how-to (administer the tests) videos. The links to the test manual and the how-to videos are posted below.
Frequently Asked Questions
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise