Articulation and Phonology Video Assessment Tool (VAT)

A Better Way to Test:
Accurate, High Psychmetric Standards, Interactive

Validated for Telepractice – Read More



The Articulation and Phonology Video Assessment Tool (VAT) is a standardized and norm-referenced articulation and phonology assessment for children and young adults ages 3 through 21 years old. It is video based and composed of short video segments where individuals are asked to name or label items while the clinician listens to, and notes any articulatory or phonological errors. The test is broken down into three versions based on age. A separate video test is used for age groups 3:0-5:11 and 6:0-21 years old. The Articulation and Phonology VAT is an accurate and reliable assessment for speech intelligibility that yields standard scores, percentile ranks, interpretation values, and test-age equivalents. Normative data of this test is based on a nationally representative sample of 1405 children and young adults in the United States.

The video-based assessment tool is composed of short video segments focusing on 45-55 target words. Sounds are located across all positions in initial, medial, and final position of words. Vowels are also assessed.


Easy to administer online, video based, interactive, developed to distinguish between error types and uses a weighted scoring system (for e.g., a lateral lisp error is calculated differently than a frontal lisp).


3 to 21 years


Standard scores, percentile ranks, impact analysis using the Impact Rating Scale

psychometric data

Nationwide standardization sample of 1405 examinees (typically developing), stratified to match the most recent U.S. Census data on gender, race/ethnicity, and region. Strong sensitivity and specificity (above 80%), high internal consistency, and test-retest reliabilities.

administration time

25 to 30 mins


Online, video-based using green screen technology; includes automated scoring

Examples of video based test items for the younger group

Frequently asked questions

What type of normative sample is this test based on?

The nationwide standardization sample consisted of 1405 examinees (typically developing), stratified to match the most recent U.S. Census data on gender, race/ethnicity, and region.

How much does this rating scale cost?

The articulation and phonology VAT can be accessed as part of the Video Assessment Tools membership 

Who developed this test?

The Articulation and Phonology VAT was developed at the Lavi Institute by Adriana Lavi, PhD, CCC-SLP (author of the Clinical Assessment of Pragmatics (CAPs) test, the Social Squad, the IMPACT Language Rating Scale and Cristina Gamarnik, MS, CCC-SLP (owner of OC Mommy Center)

Which test development standards did the publisher adhere to?

All standardization project procedures were implemented in compliance with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education [AERA, APA, and NCME], 2014). Additionally, all standardization project procedures were reviewed and approved by IntegReview IRB (Advarra), an accredited and certified independent institutional review board, which is organized and operates in compliance with the US federal regulations (including, but not limited to 21 CFR Parts 50 and 56, and 45 CFR Part 46), various guidelines as applicable (both domestic and international, including but not limited to OHRP, FDA, EPA, ICH GCP as specific to IRB review, Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, the Tri-Council Policy Statement 2, and CIOMS), and the ethical principles underlying the involvement of human subjects in research (including The Belmont Report, Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki).

How is this test administered?

The Articulation and Phonology VAT is administered from a computer/laptop or tablet. The test is composed of short pre-recorded video segments, which contain 45-55 target words. Individuals are asked to label or name specific items in the videos. The clinician listens carefully to the production of each word and records any distortion, substitution, omission, or lisp of the targeted sounds. The clinician also makes note of any phonological process, such as stopping, fronting, initial consonant deletion, or gliding. The assessment yields a raw score, standard score, percentile rank, interpretation value, and test-age equivalent. The clinician can complete the protocol online or print the PDF to have a hardcopy, and then transfer the results to the “Raw Score” page on the assessment website. The raw scores can then be converted automatically to standard scores, which will also reveal a percentile rank.

Do you accept purchase orders on this product?

YES, please follow the purchase order instructions on our site

Do you offer group discounts?

Yes, please contact us to request a quote.

If you have more questions or would like to connect with a representative please Contact Us

Highlights of the Articulation and Phonology VAT

The results of the Articulation and Phonology VAT provide information on a student’s speech characteristics. Using the Artic IMPACT Rating Scale, SLPs are now able to analyze how speech and phonology impairments may impact children and adolescents’ success in school and social situations. Data obtained from the this test is useful in determining eligibility criteria for a student with an articulation or phonology impairment.

Strong Psychometric Properties

The Articulation and Phonology VAT was normed on a nationwide standardization sample of 1405 examinees (typically developing). The sample was stratified to match the most recent U.S. Census data on gender, race/ethnicity, and region. 

Articulation and Phonology VAT presents with a strong sensitivity and specificity (above 80%), high internal consistency, and test-retest reliabilities. Criterion-related validity studies were conducted during standardization, with over 200 participants. 

The contextual background and theoretical background sections described below provide construct validity of the Articulation and Phonology VAT. 

Ease and Efficiency of Administration and Scoring

The Articulation and Phonology VAT is administered from a computer/laptop or tablet. The test is composed of short pre-recorded video segments, which contain 45-55 target words. Individuals are asked to label or name specific items in the videos. The clinician listens carefully to the production of each word and records any distortion, substitution, omission, or lisp of the targeted sounds. The clinician also makes note of any phonological process, such as stopping, fronting, initial consonant deletion, or gliding. The assessment yields a raw score, standard score, percentile rank, interpretation value, and test-age equivalent. The clinician can complete the protocol online or print the PDF to have a hardcopy, and then transfer the results to the “Raw Score” page on the assessment website. The raw scores can then be converted automatically to standard scores, which will also reveal a percentile rank.

Description of the Articulation and Phonology VAT

The Articulation and Phonology VAT is a standardized and norm-referenced articulation and phonology assessment for children and young adults ages 2 through 21 years old. It is video based and composed of short video segments where individuals are asked to name or label items while the clinician listens to, and notes any articulatory or phonological errors. The test is broken down into three versions based on age. A separate video test is used for age groups 2:0 – 2:11, 3:0-5:11, and 6:0-21 years old. The Articulation and Phonology VAT is an accurate and reliable assessment for speech intelligibility that yields standard scores, percentile ranks, interpretation values, and test-age equivalents. Normative data of this test is based on a nationally representative sample of 1405 children and young adults in the United States.

Articulation and Phonology VAT

The video-based assessment tool is composed of short video segments focusing on 45-55 target words. Sounds are located across all positions in initial, medial, and final position of words. Vowels are also assessed.

Testing Format 

The Articulation and Phonology VAT is administered from a computer/laptop or tablet. The test is composed of short pre-recorded video segments, which contain 45-55 target words. Individuals are asked to label or name specific items in the videos. The clinician listens carefully to the production of each word and records any distortion, substitution, omission, or lisp of the targeted sounds. The clinician also makes note of any phonological process, such as stopping, fronting, initial consonant deletion, or gliding. The assessment yields a raw score, standard score, percentile rank, interpretation value, and test-age equivalent. The clinician can complete the protocol online or print the PDF to have a hardcopy, and then transfer the results to the “Raw Score” page on the assessment website. The raw scores can then be converted to standard scores, which will also reveal a percentile rank.

Administration Time

Administration time for the assessment takes approximately 25-30 minutes.

Uses and Purpose 

The Articulation and Phonology VAT should be used to assess children or young adults who have a suspected or previous diagnosis of a speech sound disorder. This tool will aid in the identification or continued diagnosis of an articulation or phonological disorder. Using videos as the subject material provides test-takers with an interactive medium to maintain engagement. The results of the Articulation and Phonology VAT provide comprehensive information on articulatory and phonological skills of children and young adults. By utilizing the Articulation and Phonology VAT, we are able to develop a better understanding as to how a student’s articulation and phonology skills may impact their academic performance and progress in school.

Code of Federal Regulations-Title 34:Education

34 C.F.R. §300.7 Child with a disability.  (c) Definitions of disability terms. (11) Speech or language impairment means a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment, that adversely affects a child\’s educational performance.

The Individual’s with Disabilities Act (IDEA, 2004) states that when assessing a student for a speech or language impairment, we need to determine whether or not the impairment will negatively impact the child\’s educational performance. In order to determine whether an articulation or phonology impairment exists, we can collect a speech sample of the individual, and analyze intelligibility and the impact of the impairment on academic success. 

Contextual Background

A speech sound disorder is an umbrella term that refers to the difficulty, or combination of difficulties, with perception, production, and/or phonological representation of speech sounds and speech segments (American-Speech-Hearing Association [ASHA], 2016). When these speech sound disorders do not have a known cause, they are referred to as either articulation or phonological disorders. Difficulties in articulation may result in sound distortions, substitutions, and omissions of individual speech sounds (ASHA, 2016). Phonological errors are predictable and result from difficulties in the comprehension and use of a speech sound system and it’s governing rules (Bauman-Waengler, 2004). For example, a child with a phonological disorder may engage in final consonant deletion or fronting of speech sounds.

The current assessment tool is composed of target words that address articulatory and phonological speech sound errors. Table 1.1 reviews common phonological processes.

Table 1.1 Phonological Processes

Phonological Process



An alveolar sound (e.g., /t/ and /d/) is substituted with a velar sound (e.g., /k/ and /g/)


A velar or palatal sound (e.g., /k/, /g/, and /ʃ/) is substituted with an alveolar sound (e.g., /t/, /d/, and /s/)


An /r/ becomes a /w/, or /l/ becomes a /w/ or /j/ sound


A fricative (e.g., /f/ or /s/) or affricate (e.g., /tʃ/) is substituted with a stop consonant (e.g., /p/ or /d/)


A nonaffricate is replaced with an affricate (e.g., /tʃ/)


An affricate (e.g., /tʃ/) is replaced with a fricative or stop (e.g., /ʃ/)


A nonalveolar (e.g., /ʃ/, /m/) sound is substituted with an alveolar sound (e.g., /t/, /n/)


A palatal sound (e.g., /ʃ/) is substituted with a nonpalatal sound (e.g., /t/)


A consonant sound starts to sound like another sound in the word


A nasal consonant (e.g., /m/ or /n/) changes to a nonnasal consonant (e.g., /b/ or /d/)


A complete or incomplete syllable is repeated

Cluster Reduction

A consonant cluster is reduced to a single consonant

Initial Consonant Deletion

The initial consonant in a word is left off

Final Consonant Deletion

The final consonant in a word is left off

Syllable Deletion

The weak syllable in a word is deleted


A sound is added between two consonants, typically the “uh” sound

Administration of the Articulation and Phonology VAT

The following testing guidelines represent specific administration, scoring, and interpretation instructions for the Articulation and Phonology VAT. These procedures are considered best professional practice required in any type of standardized assessment as described in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education [AERA, APA, and NCME], 2014). Strict standardized administration procedures must be followed to obtain reliable and accurate results. The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing specifically emphasizes the importance of adhering to specific standardization procedures (Standard 6.1) and documenting deviations from the standardization procedures (Standard 6.3).

Examiner Qualifications

Professionals who are formally trained in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of standardized assessment tools, who hold appropriate educational and professional credentials, may administer the Articulation and Phonology VAT. Qualified examiners include speech-language pathologists, school psychologists, special education diagnosticians and other professionals representing closely related fields. It is a requirement to read and become familiar with the administration, recording, and scoring procedures before using this test.

Confidentiality Requirements

As described in Standard 6.7 of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA et al., 2014), it is the examiner’s responsibility to protect the security of all testing material and ensure confidentiality of all testing results.

Eligibility for Testing

The Articulation and Phonology VAT is appropriate to use for individuals between the ages of 2:0 and 21:0 years of age. This assessment tool is particularly helpful for individuals who are suspected of or who have been previously diagnosed with articulation and phonology deficits.



Administer the interactive test items and record the responses, then obtain the raw score


Obtain standardized scores online within the VAT platform


Use our report generating widget to generate a ready-to-use write-up for your assessment report.

Theoretical Background of the IMPACT Articulation and Phonology Rating Scale

Articulation and phonological disorders typically occur in preschool and school-aged children between 2:0 and 21:0 years old. When articulation or phonological errors occur, there can be negative impacts to a child’s academic performance. Previous research has suggested that students with early speech-language problems are behind their peers in reading, writing, and in other academics areas (Aram & Nation, 1980; King, Jones, Lasky, 1982; Hall & Tomblin, 1978). More specifically, preschool children with speech sound disorders are at a higher risk for difficulties with phonological awareness (PA), which can lead to difficulties with spelling and reading (Peterson, Pennington, Shriberg, & Boada, 2009; Bird, Bishop, Freeman, 1995; Nathan, Stackhouse, Goulandris, & Snowling, 2004). Additionally, children who present with speech sound disorders in kindergarten have been associated with lower literacy outcomes (Overby, Trainin, Smit, Bernthal, & Nelson, 2012). Data from the National Health Interview Survey (2012) estimated that almost half (48.1%) of the children between the ages of 3 and 10 years-old who have been classified as having a communication disorder present with speech sound disorders only (Black, Vahratian, & Hoffman, 2015). Moreover, a recent large-scale study revealed that 18% of 8-year-old children present with unresolved speech sound errors (Roulstone, Miller, Wren, & Peters, 2009) and additional reports suggest that 11% to 40% of children with speech sound disorders also have a related language impairment (Eadie et al., 2015; Shriberg et al., 1999).

There is a clear need for assessment tools that aid in the identification of articulation and phonological disorders because without appropriate assessment and intervention, there can be serious impacts on a child’s academic performance. According to the American-Speech-Hearing Association (2016), assessment of speech sound disorders includes the evaluation of accurate productions, specifically, a student’s ability to produce sounds in various positions (initial, medial, final) and in different phonetic contexts, sound combinations such as consonant clusters or blends, and syllable shapes such as simple consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) to more complex consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant (CCVCC). Assessment should also evaluate sound errors and looks at the type of errors (e.g., omission, substitution, distortion), the consistency of sound errors, and the distribution of errors (e.g., position of the sound in a word) (ASHA, 2016). Lastly, assessment of speech sounds should look at error patterns, specifically, phonological patterns and whether there is a systematic sound change or simplification that affects a class of sounds (e.g., stops), sound combinations (e.g., consonant clusters), or syllable structures (e.g., multisyllabic words) (ASHA, 2016).

Articulation and phonology disorders can have adverse effects on various aspects of language development, as well as academic performance, and peer relationships. For example, a child who feels embarrassed about their speech sounds may avoid social situations or conversations that require them to verbally communicate, which may result in a social language impairment. It is important that speech and language assessments be efficient and accurate to best serve our students. By assessing students with the Articulation and Phonology VAT, speech-language pathologists can better identify those individuals who have a suspected or an existing diagnosis of a speech sound disorder.

Standardization and Normative Information

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